




cone, l\Ta rches i, Behnke and others a re used, a lso a w;de_va ri ety of songs. wit h emphasis a lways upon t he study a nd inte r preta­ t ion of Gospel mu sic. 3. PIANO T he course in pi ano meets the demands of all classes o f students from the beginner to the student of ach·a nced stand­ ing . t ress is la id upon the development of technique a nd its appli cati on to the play ing of hymn s and Gospel songs in church and evengeli stic meet ;ngs . Standa rd techn ical exe rcises by Clementi . K uhl au, Burg-mull er, Hell er. Rogers a nd Cramer. and the works of Haydn , ::\Iozar t a nd Beethm·en, Chopi n, Sclm­ mann . Mendelssohn , Gri eg, ::\fcDowell. Rachmaninoff, Debussy, Sinding a nd others, a rel adapted to th e ind iv idual needs of the student . 4. ORGAN Applicants fo r organ study mu st haYe a certain amoun t o f pia no prepa ration . Special trai ni ng is giYen in man ual touch, pedal tech nique, regist rat ion, church play ing a nd solo and choir accompaniment . Sta nda rd work s a re used . such as Pedal Stu­ dies by ·wh iting, Schne ide r and Buck . t he R ink O rgan School and the Bach Little Preludes a nd Fugues. Composit ions by F lagler . Gounod. Merke l, Lema ig re, Bat iste, etc. l\fo re advanced students take up the study of organ son­ atas . concer tos a nd other compos iti ons by Mende lssohn . Gui l­ ma nt , Rheinberger, \\ ' idor and other s. HARMONY T he course in Harmony a nd Compos ition gives the student a thorough and pract ical knowledge of chords and their rela­ tio n. voice lead ing, pract ice in ha rmon; zation of g iven melod ies, a nd leads to orig inal work a nd the wri t ing of Gospel songs and other compos itions. Th;s wo rk cm·ers tv,·o semesters. J. 6. EAR TRAI N I :---rG Thi s course di rects the student to think tonality and to disc rimi nate, through the ear, the d iffe rent ha rmoni es. Chord a nd melody d ictation is g iven a nd g reat stress is placed on t he outstanding ha rmoni c resoluti ons, modul atio n a nd chroma ti c a lte rat ions.

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