



7. CONDUCTING Students are given thorough instructi on in all var ieties of rhythm and the best way of beating t ime for each- both with and without the baton. Each student appears before the class from time to t ime as a conductor and under the guidance and crit icism of the instructor gain s actual experi ence in conducti ng a choir and congregation. 8. NORMAL TRAINING tudents are in structed in pedagogical principles as applied to mu sic, and given actual experi ence before the class in teach­ ing the facts of mu sic Theory, Notation and Harmony. Th ie; subject requires two semesters to complete it. 9. VIOLI N AND ORCHESTRAL I NSTRO 1ENTS An experi enced violini st give instruction in thi s important instrument , using the best modern methods. Exper t instructi on is also prov ided fo r those desiring instructi on on the cornet, trombone and other band and orche tral inst ruments. XXVII. Practical Work As the whole aim of the Institute is to turn out workers who a re practical, the instructi on given in the class room is at once trans lated into pract ice, as a part of the t rai ning . Students are required to attend and assist in missions, street meetings, tent meetings, to vi sit people in their homes. to conduct adul t Bibl e classes and Sunday school classes, and to engage in va r ious other fo rms of aggressive Chri stian work, and always with their eyes open fo r opportunities for personal work. The e assignment are made by the Superintendents , and every student is required to hand in each week a written repor t of their work. A weekly repo rt meeting is held at whi ch the work of the preceding week is surveyed and difficulties discus ed . This is one of the most pract ical, helpful , and inspi rati onal hours of the week.


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