



The Three Year Course

\Ye feel increas ing ly that ce rtain classes of students attend ­ ing the Inst;tute shoul d be g iven opportunity t o pursue the ir studi es beyond what is poss ibl e in the two year course. Many of our g raduates who ha\·e been call ed to pos itions of responsi­ bility in the different denominations haYe felt the need fo r a fuller preparati on. \,\"ith thi s in m;nd a third year ha s been aclclecl to the curriculum . It seeks to provide a course that ena bles those looking toward s leadership in Chri stian educa tion and as P astors ' A ss istants . in Sunday School and Young Peo­ pl e's work a knowl edge F ir st. of Chri sti a n phychology . The idea of t h: s par t of the course is to g ive them an understand ing of child nature and the different ways in which people of cl iffe rent temperaments may be approac hed. a nd an insight into th e laws that gove rn th e acti\·ities of g roups and th e react; ons of con g regations . Second , of the intell ec tual d iffi culti es with whi ch young peopl e a re con fro nted in our clay so that they may e ff ecti Ye ly mee t them and he abl e to lead th e young peopl e to an intelli gent uncl e1-standing of a Chri sti a n view o f Goel a nd the Bibl e and man 's place in the world . \\ ·e find among the students many who p rove to have marked tal ent s a long the hies o f preaching and pa storal work. \ \"henever poss ibl e we ach·ise those who ca n do so. to take work in e\·angeli ca l theological seminari es conn ected with the denomi­ nati on of whi ch they happen to he members, but in ca ses where they a re not abl e to do thi s (and there are many such ca ses) we endcaYor to g ive them a further knowl edge of Kew T es ta­ ment Greek, homil eti cs . theology . church hi story and ph il osophy of relig ion , a nd ach·anced work in Bible stud y and exeges is. The work in psychology al so has thi s class of stud ent s in mind and aims to be practi cal in its beari1ws upon its every-clay probl ems wl1i ch confront a pa stor in the work of a church. ::\[uch o f thi s work is taught by men who haYe had la rge experi ence in pastora l work. It is more than the teach ing of mere theo r;es concerning these things- it is th e setting fo rth of principl es that have been tri ed out a nd found succe s ful in the actua l work o f the pastorate. The course al so has in mind mini sters who have had a full theological course but fee l the need of a full er and more p rac­ ti ca l knowl edge of the E ngli sh Bibl e and pract ical Chri stian work


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