




for whi ch there is an unu sual oppor tu nity through the r egular church activiti es and through the spec ial evangeli sti c work car­ ri ed on by the Institute among d ifferent classes of people in this g rea t city. Few cities offer a g reate1- opportuni ty fo r a prac­ t ical exper;ence in t he doing of the d iffere nt kind s of work chal­ leng ing the modern church. Many min isters who have been in the work seYeral yea rs and realize what is demanded o f the pastor, express the wi sh that they might have had the opportun­ ity o f a year ·s study in some Bible Institute- a ft er fin ishing the regular seminary course. O thers who haYe had the Bibl e Inst i­ tute course before goi ng to the seminary are most emphati c in th eir appreciation of what the work meant to them. Fi nall y we have in mind the mi ss ionari es who return to the homeland on furl ough a nd v isit the school and we endeavor to make thi s course serve them in a ve ry real way. T here is no more attract ive place in Ameri ca for returnee! mi ss iona ri es tha n Los Angeles and it is our purpose to consider their special needs more a nd more each yea r and to st rengthen our course along this line. \t\f ith these d iffe rent groups in mi nd we t ry to make the wo rk o f the third yea r not onl y thorough from a techni cal and academ ical point of view but also from the poi nt of Yiew of the deepen ing of the sp iritual li fe of the student s and the intensi­ fyi ng o f their sense o f responsibi lity and oppor tuni ty in the work of the church in a clay that is cha ll eng ing the Yery bes t that there is in men and women, a nd a t ime that is calling fo r reality in lif e and work . \Ye try especially to culti va te the spiri t that wi ll lead men and women to give themselves to the hard and neglected field s at home and abroad. The church is becoming more and more alarmed at the la rge number of churches throughout the rural di strict s that are pastor less, and in the third yea r work we are try ing to thoroughl y prepare men w·ho wi ll be willing to take work in d ifficu lt and neglected field s. In a word , the work of the third year is for the purpose of more thoroughl y fitting men into the li fe and pract ical work of the church.


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