
OF L O 5



The Courses of Study T o mee t the needs of students whose li fe-work wi ll demand spec ia l emphas is upon ce rt ain fo rms of Chri st ia n e ffor t, the Inst itute has a rranged , in add iti on to the general course of training-Course One, three other cou rses . as fo ll ows : Course T wo, arra nged for those wishing spec; al training in :\ Lu sic ; Course Three . spec ial tra in ing in H ome a nd F oreign :\ fi s. ions ; Course F our. special trai ning in R eli g ious Ed ucati on. T he sub­ jects o f e:ich Course a re as foll ows :

Course I.

( Regular Course)


SECO'-'D S DI EST E R 13ibli ca l Geogra phy and In st itu - t io ns. Perso na l \\ "o r k Bible Chapte r Snmn1a ry Bibfe Sy nthesis Bible Doctr ine 13-il,le 111,lnis Oi·ig in an (! De,·e lop 111 ent of the Chri s ti a n H.e li gion Phil osophy of th e Chr ist ian Rcligio11 l [omilc tics Home and Fo r eign ~l issio ns Pract ica l \\' o rk Report .\ l ceti ng

F TRST S DI " ST E R Biblical ln t rodncti on P er so nal \\ 'ork Bib le Chapte r Summary

Bible Synth es is Bibl e Doc trine Bible \ n,ly,i s O ri g in an d De,:c loprn ent o f th e Ch ri st ian Re li gion Phil osophy of the Chri st ian Re li g ion H omileti cs H ome a nd l7o reig n :di ,s ions Practi ca l \\ 'or k l{epo r t ,I eeting


S 1-~CO:\: D SE \! EST ER Bible Chapte r Summary

FIRST S D I lcS T [ R Bibl e Chap ter S umma ry

Bibl e Sy nth es is Bible Doc trin e _ 1 _ Bi ble 1\n a lys is '2,-,..J 4-1 v,L\/ O rigin and Deve lopment of the Ch ri st ian Religi on Phil osophy of the Ch r ist ian Rel ig ion H omil et ics S unday Schoo l :-[ ethods T eacher T ra ining Evange li sm Pract ica l. \,\ "o rk Repor t Mee ting

Bible Synth esis Bibl e Doct r ine l3 ible : \na lys is O ri g in a nd IJ e,·e lopment of the Chri st ia n Re lig ion Philosophy of the Ch r ist ian Religion 1-lomileti'cs Sunday Schoo l :-Ie thod~ Teacher T rai ning P ractica l \\ .o rk Repor t :- f ce t ing

F orly-seven

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