




SECON D SEMESTER Bibli cal Introdu'ct ion P er sonal W ork Bible Chapter Summa ry

Hi s tory o f Mi ss ions, and sur­ vey of vari ous Fi elds in Latin Ameri ca a nd th e Islands O rigin a nd Development o f the Chri stian Reli g ion Phil osophy o f the Chri stian Reli g ion H omil etics Practical Wo rk Repor t Meeting

Bibl e Synth es is Bibl e Doctrine Bibl e Anal ys is



SE COND SEMEST E R Bibl e Chapter S umma ry

Bibl e Chapter Summary

Bible Synth es is Bibl e Doctrin e Bible Ana lys is

Bibl e Synthes is Bibl e Doctr ine Bibl e Ana lys is

111iss iona ry Hyg iene and

Mi ss ions- The Mi ss ionary' s

Qualificati ons

F ir st A id

Origin and Development of the

Origin and Development o f the

Chri stian Religion

Chri stian Religi on

P hil osophy of the Chri sti an

P hil osophy o f th e Chri sti a n

Reli gion H omil eti cs

Religi on

H omiletics

Sunday Schoo l Me thods

S unday Schoo l Methods

T eacher Tra ining

.Teacher T ra ining

Pract ical Wo rk Repor t Meeting

P racti ca l Wo rk Repo rt Meeting

llllllllllllllllllllllllltlllll!lllllllllllllllll l

Course IV. (Specializing in Religious Education)


SECOND SEMEST ER Bibli ca l Introducti on

FIRST SEMEST ER Bibli ca l Introducti on

P ersona l Work

P ersona l W ork

Bibl e Chapter S umma ry

Bibl e Chapter Summa ry

Bi ble Synth es is Bibl e Doctrin e Bibl e Ana lys is

Bibl e Synthes is Bibl e Doctrin e Bible Anal ys is

O ri gin a nd Deve lopment o f the

Origin a nd Development o f the

Chri st-i an Reli g ion

Chri sti an Reli g ion

· P hil osophy o f the Chri s tian

Phil osophy of th e Chri sti an

Reli g ion H omil eti cs

Relig ion

H omil et ics

Reli g ious E duca ti on an d Sun day Schoo l Methods Pract ica l 'No rk Repo r t Meeting

R eli g ious Educati on and S unday Schoo l Methods Practi ca l Wo r k Report Meeting

Forty-nine -

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