



Information for Intending Students

How to Make Application for Admission Those who des ire to become stud ents o f the Bibl e Inst itute should wri te to t he Student Sec reta ry fo r a n a ppFcat ion fo rm , a nd a f ter having fi ll ed it out by answering a l1 the quest ions ca refull y, shoul d return it to him. No one will be enroll ed as a stud ent un t il the references g iven have been hea rd from. The 111ere fill ing out of the fo rm of a ppli ca ti on does not necessaril y imply acceptance of the app li cant . I f the refe rences a nd the a ppli cat ion prove satisfactory, the applicant will be noti fied promptl y. Arriving in Los Angeles T here a re severa l lines of rail roads ente ring Los Angeles, coming in at differe nt stat ions, a nd it is imposs ibl e to meet stud ents a t the tra ins. O n reaching Los A1w eles, inquiry should be made a s to the troll ey line leach1g to the Inst itute. The In stitute is loca ted a t 536- 558 South Hope t. , a few doo rs from t he corner of \Ve t S ix th St. Direct lines o f trol­ ley fr om some of the sta ti ons, pass t he corn er of ixth a nd Hope Sts. , a nd fr om a ll other sta t ions, cars can be taken, fr om whi ch transfers ca n be had to the troll eys pass ing nea r the Inst itute. Students coming to the Inst itute, although th ey will not be met at t he t ra in, should notify the Superintendent of l\I en or \ \ 'omen as th e case may be, by what road they are coming, a ncl the ti me the;r trai n is scheduled t o reach Los A no-eles . Entrance Requirements T he 111ini111u111 age at whi ch young men a ncl women a re admi tted to the Institu te is eighteen. Those coming to the Inst itute 111ust be in reasonably sound health. All appli cants shoul d have compl eted the high school course . or its equi va lent . Of tentimes a business tra ining is equi va lent, or more than an equi val ent, to such a course . More-

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