




over. there are men a nd women whose E ngli sh educat ion is very de fi cient , but who have ce rtai n o- if ts that qualify them fo r ma ny fo rms of Chri stian work. and they a re oft en used to la rge r effect iveness tha n men and women who have had a thorough coll ege educat ion. :'11 r. l-Ioody himse l f, was not an educated ma n from the scholas ti c stand po in t, but he was used as no other ma n of hi s generat ion. T herefore it is the poli cy of the Inst itu te to rece;Ye men and women of thi s type . These cases. however , a re excepti ona l, and wherever one is young enough to get a good common g ramma r school a nd hi gh school educa ti on befo re coming, it is des ira ble that they do so . A thoro ugh rol­ lcgC' cou rse, is dC'sira.ble ,d1cn age pcr111 its . l\Iany of our stu­ dents a1·e uni ve1·s ity g raduates . Some of those whose t ra in ing has been Ye ry imperf ectj befo re tak ing the course a t the Insti ­ tute, gain a ve ry thorough wo rk; ng knowledge of the E ng li sh language wh ile here. A ll appli ca nt fo r admi ss ion to the Inst itute mu st be of good Chri sti a n characte r , a nd mu st have had at least one yea r of Chri sti a n expe ri ence . T hey shoul d have a genuin e love fo r soul s, proven by actual experi ence in winning soul s to Chri st . T hey mu st be willing to do ha rd work. a nd submi t to d;sc ipline a nd orde r. Students a re accepted only on tr ial fo r the fi rst month. a nd if fo r a ny reason they a re found unadapted for Ch r ist ian work. they may be asked to withdraw at the close of the first month. Immed iately upon a rr ival a t the Institu te, men shoul d repo rt to the Superin tendent of l\Ien, a nd women to the Super­ in tendent of \\ .omen. T he best t ime to enter the Inst itu te is at the beginn ing of t he sc hool yea r in September. See Ca lendar, page 5. How­ ever , one may ente r profitably at a ny ti me. ] rospect ive students who a re unde r the required age. or who fo r any other reason are delayed in ente r ing the Inst itute, a re adv ised to commence a p repa ratory study of t he Bibl e in advance, along In stitute lines . To a id th em in do ing thi s, the Cor respondence Courses of the I nst itute a re recommended. ( See pages 68-72) . A pplicants fo r entrance to the In sti tute a re recommended to subscri be fo r The King's Business, whi ch is publi shed monthl y by the Inst itute. wh;ch will br ing them con tinuall y in touch with the Ii fe a nd work of the I nst itute.


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