



Tuition Fees There are no tu it ion fee s ; but fo r pr i\·ate lessons in vocal ancl instrumenta l mus ic there is a nomina l cha rge. See page 38. Registration Fee There is a reg istration fee each semester of two dollars ($2 .00 ) . T hi s is payable on the Registrat ion Day of each te rm, before the student' s class sc hed ul e is macle out. T he Cashier' s receipt mu st be p resented to the Regist ra r T hi s fee will not be refunded in case a st udent leaves the In~titute. Hospiial and Nurse's Fund EYery reg iste red student . rooming in the ln st itute hu:ld · ings, is requ ired to contr ibute th ree do lla rs ($3.00) each semes­ ter to the Hosp ita l ancl N urse' s Fune! . T hi s entitl es the st udent to the se n·ices of the resident nurse in cases not req uiring hos­ pital care . \ \ ' here t he student mu st go to the hospita l, the Fund will defray the charge fo r room a ncl board in one of th e bes t hos pital s in the city , to the amoun t of eighty do ll a r s ($80.00 ) . Thi s does not include phys icia ns' fees . charges fo r surgical operati ons, ambu lance sen·ice, or med icines . ?IIaternity cases. or ill ness cl ue to chroni c condi ti ons existing befo re ente r ;ng the Inst itute. or acc idents clue to carelessness or reckl essness, wi ll not entitle a student to the pr ivil eges of the F une!. J n case of an epi demi c, t he F un e! w ill be used a · fa r a s it will go, when a fu r ther contd)lltion will be necessa ry. Fees will not lie ref uncled in case a stud ent leaves the Institute. Expense of Room and Board Cnmarr ied students a re requ ired to room ancl board in the Tn st ;tute Buil di ng. but in the rn~e o f a student who resides witr. pa rent s or relatiYes in the city, or whose employment is of such a nature as to necess itate li\·i ng outs ide the Jn st itutc bu ildings. the Faculty w;I I consider the cirrnmstances a nd decid e acco rcl ­ ingh·. ?l larr ied students can usua lly fin d comforta bl e apartments at reasonable rates with in easy reach of the fo st itute. The In st itute wi ll assist th em to do so as fa r a s poss ible.

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