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The rooms in the In stitute are sing le roonJ s , co111fortably furn ished, lighted. heated and suppli ed with running wate r , hot a ncl colcl . The lnstitute suppli es the linens and laund e rs the same. tuclent s take ca re of the' r rooms. Exce ll ent tabl e boarcl is provicl ecl in the Inst itute cli ning room, a sec ti on oE whi ch is se t apa rt fo r th e studen t body ancl the Super intende n ts. The students wait on th e tabl es. The present rate fo r room a ncl board is $8.50 a week, payabl e in ach ·ance . Owing to the uncertain market condit ions, this rate may ha,·e to be ach·ancecl . It is hoped that it may be poss' bl e to lowe r it . Prospec ti\·e student s should inquire fur ­ ther about this 11·hen sending in their app li ca ti ons. or befo re con1p let ing the ir plans fo r coming . The J nstitute aims to charge students on ly t he act ua l cost for room and boa rd. Employment and Financial Aid J t is often t imes poss ible for students . especiall y men stu­ dent s, to fincl sec ular empl oyment for two or three hour s a clay. o r eve n mo re . by which to suppl ement th eir fund s . a lthough no guarantee of such empl oyment ca n be g i\·en. Thi s e111ploy­ ment 111ay be about the builcl'ng . o r it may be in sto res or res­ tauran ts, o r in other forms of occupation outside the J nst itute . A few students find work in the way of teac hing. o r as church ass istants , or conducting choirs or sing ing in choirs . o r as pas­ tors' assistants. etc . H owe\·er. as a rul e th e men and women who wo rk th ei r way through th e In st itute are at a clisach·an ­ tage, a nd ;t is not ach·ised. except \\·he re abso lutely necessa ry . J\'o one shou ld enter without suffic ient funcls to ea rn· them through at least one se111es ter. and it is bette r for the1{1 to he prov icl ecl for the full cost of their boa rd and room fo r t he con­ te111p latecl pe ri od of their stay. \\ 'e would suggest to those who ha\·e not sufficient fund s to carry them through the school yea r that t hey encleaYor ( I ) to interest their home church in unde rtaki ng their support as a home mi ss ionary . Inasmuch as a ll of the students are required to engage in practica l Chri st=a n work in connection with their s tudi es , they a re. in fact, rea l home miss iona ri es. (2) J nterest the :\ Iiss ionary' Soc iety, or Young People's Society . or Sunday Schoo l, of your church in the matte r of your support. (3) In­ terest some friend \\·ho would like to make an im·estment fo r the Lord by ass isting you in your prepa ration for Chri sti a n wo rk.

Fifty-fi ve

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