



On their graduati on, the Institute is pl eased to do what it can to place student s perman entl y in Chri stian work, but it does not guarantee work to any one on leaving the Institute. Men and women will incr to do any work that the Lord calls them to do, and who have graduated at the Institute usuall y find the special place of serv;ce that the Lord has for them, without much difficu lty.

Classification of Students

S tudents are class ifi ed as fo ll ows :

1. Regu lar Student s. Those who take the full work in any course. 2. Special Student s. Those who cannot take the full work of any of the courses fo r reasons whi ch are sati sfactory to the Faculty. T he minimum work of a special student is five Bible classes a week, and 221e assignment. Special stucle~v1-;g in the bui lcl;ng pay an increased rate for room and board of twenty per cent. They are required to take the examinati ons on the subjects fo r wh ich they are enrolled, the sam1 as the regular stud ents. 3. Post-Graduate Students. Those who having completed the two years' course of the ] nstitute wi sh to remain for further work. All the privileges of the regular stud ent are granted them. Their class room work and ass ignments are arranged in conf erence with the Secretary of the Faculty. 4. i\1 iss ionaries on Furlough. Special ar rangements are made for the accommodat ion and studies of home and fore ign mi ss ionaries on furloug-h. Such should write to the Institute fo r further in fo rmati01; . They are warmly welcomed.


T he regular classes of the Institute a re not in session dur­ ing Jul y, Augu t , and part of September. though special lec­ tures a re g iven from t ime to time during those month s. There is a recess at Chri stmas and another at Easter, vary­ ing f ram ten clays to two weeks . ( See Calendar , page 5).

Fifty -s ix

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