



Diplomas D;pl oma s will be g ra nted upon the fol low ing cond iti ons: 1. Two years' res id ence in l_os A ngeles, and attencla nc u pon the presc ri bed cl asses . D ue c red it w ill be a ll owed fo r work cl one in ou r Evenin g· or Co rrespondence chools. or in other inst itut' ons, which is simila r or equi va lent to that offered by the Inst itute . The amoun t o f cred it w ill be cleciclecl by the teacher in the particular course in questio n. :-.1 0 Tr.:.-Th e Bihl <> c o u r se of till' ?lf oorl,· B i bl e Jnstit.ut~ of Chi­ cago hein g alm ost identical with th e r egular cou r se of th e Bibl e ·1 nsLitut (• of L os Ange l es. it i s possihlC' to gTant stud ent s of that institution equal c r edit fo r studies taken ther e . and a l so to gran t euual a ll owance f o r r esirl l"n<· l~ th t:" l'e 10 th e e xtent of on P- Ye ar. Such students must be i n r esiden ce hf•r c at l ea~t on e y ea r in ord er to h e f• li gihle for gn,tcluation. 2. The ma in tenance of a consistent Chri stian character, such maintenance to be cleciclecl by the faculty of the In stitute . .1. Commendabl e zea l in p ractica l Chri stian work. -+. Pro fi ciency in E ng li sh. pr01· en by th e presentati on uf a sa f sfacto ry g rad ua ti ng thes is . ancl by a public aclclress. S. Pass ing grades in t he cour ses of study . The passi ng g rade in a ll studi es is 75. Stud ents rece iYing less t ha n thi s ma rk mu st ta ke the wo rk o, ·e r aga in. o r offer a spec ia l examinat ion as the teac he r in th e pa rti cular cour se may des ignate . 6. Soundn ess in doctr ine. to be determined by the Faculty. T here is a charge of one clolla r a nd a half ($1.50 ) fo r the d ipl oma. Letters of Recommendation Letter s of recommendati on a re not g;ven to students. A student' s g rades in hi s stu dies. howeYe r . wi ll be g ladly furni sher. when offic ial ly req ues ted by any ins titution des iring to g ive c redits for work clone at the Institute. In such case the name a nd add ress o f the Registrar mu st be furn ished to t he Sec retary of the Facu lty of the Inst itute . The Alumni Association The A lumniu Assoc iat'on hold s a large place 111 the hearts of a ll fo rme r Bible Institute students. The la rgest gat hering of the yea r 1s naturall y that held in


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