



The Evening School

What it is. That department of the B ibl e Institute of Los Ange les holding evening classes in Bible study, Gospel Music, and Methods of Christ ian work. For Whom Intended. For ea rnest. consecrated men and women employed in bu siness or otherwi se engaged during th e clay, willing to study evenings to secure thorough equ;pment for intelligent , aggres­ sive Chri stian work; fo r superintend ents a nd teachers of Sun­ day Schools who realize their need of a better knowledge of the Bi bl e ancl methods of Chri st ian work; for young men a ncl women des iring to devote some spare time to city mi ss ion work; for young people looking forwa rd to work in the home or fo r­ eign mi ss ;on fi eld , who cannot attend the clay school of the Institute; fo r eYery Chri st ian man a nd woman wishing a more thorough a nd systematic knowledge of th e \\' orcl of Goel . The Full Course. The full course necessary to quali fy fo r a diploma cover s three yea r 's work. B ibl e a nd l\fusic Classes are held on l\fonday, Thursday and Fr iday. For periods and subj ects see pages 64-67. During the summer months studi es are carried on by cor­ r espondence. Terms. There a re four terms in 1 each year as fo ll ows : Fall Term, t he la st l\Ionday in September to the Second Thursday in December, 12 weeks. \ Vin ter Term, the fir st Monday in J an uary to the fourth Thursday in Ma rch. 12 weeks. Spring Term, the fir st :\1onday in April to the last Thurs­ day in June, 12 weeks. Summer Term, the fir st l\fonday of July to the third week of September, 12 weeks.



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