




Course. The course includes a ca reful study of th e lead ing doc­ t rin es of the Bible; t he read ing and stud y of the whole Bible from Genesis to ReYelati on by book, chapter, a nalyti c or oth er methods ; a complete course in the use of t he B ible in Personal \ \ 'ork; B;bli ca l Introducti on; Chri st ian ]:'.\·idences; l\lissions; the Preparat ion and De li ve ry of Gospel Addresses and Bible Exposit ions; Sunday School. and other i\lethods of Chri stian work. Music . In mu sic. t he stud ents a re dr ill ed in sight read ing. conduct­ ing congregat ional singi ng. and harmony . P ri Yate instructi on in \'Oca l and instrumental mu sic is also arranged for when desired. For special rates see page j..j. _ Those who take priYate YOcal or inst rumental musi c lesson~ are req uired to attend at least two Bible sess ions a week. Prac ti cal Christian Work Required. E nroll ed student s are req uired to engage in defi nite Chris­ tia n wo rk in connect ion with their own church, under the supen·ision of the Secreta ry o f the EYen;ng School. the student thus putti ng in practice what has been studied in the class room. Weekly Reports. S tud ent s are furnished blank fo rms on which a careful report of study and work must be made and handed in weekly . Cards on which to record names a nd add resses of inquirers or conve rts a re furnished. the purpose being to get e1· ery convert connected with some church. How Many Classes. \\ .hil e th e course is arranged so that persons of ave rage abi lity, employed dur;ng the clay, ca n take all the classes, the Sec retary wi ll a lways be g lad to a rrange the numbe r a nd char­ acte r of classes attended to suit the special need s o f stud ents. O ur ai m is to help each individual as mu ch as poss ibl e. Credit Cards. Stud ent s completing a te rm' s work and passi ng sat isfactory examinati ons are g iYen a C redit card showing their stand;ng in the examinati ons. Diploma. A Diploma is g i\'en studen ts sat is f~ctoril y compl et ing the three yea rs' course.


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