
Calendar The school year is di,·icl ecl into two semesters, and though a stud ent may enter at any time, the re are many advantages in entering at the beg inning of the sc hool year in Septembe r . Credit fo r the semeste r' s wo rk wi11 onl y he g iYen to thos<: reg iste ring on the cl c1ys designated. See below. Ch ri sfan worke rs not intending to take the complete cou rse and yet anxious to imprm·e their working knowledge of th!:! Bible will be c1 1l owed to enro ll for shor t periods .


The Calendar fo r 1925-26 will he as follows:

FIRST SE:\ IESTER. Sept . 1-J.. 192S - J a n. 29, 1926. Mon cby. Tuesclav . Sept. 1-J.. 15.......... ..... Registration Days ~i tudcnts 11111 st 111,,kc o ut class schcclu lc not lat e r than these clays . \ 1 \l ecl nesday. Sept . 16 ... ...... ....Classes beg in. 8 :-1-5 a . 111 . Thursday . J7ri day. ~n,·. 26. 21....... .. ...Thanksgi,·in~ Recess Friday .. Dec . 18 ........Ch ri stmas Recess beg ins . Monday. Jan. -1- ..... . .. ....Classes beg'n . 8 :-1-5 a . 117 . ...H.egistr2. tion Days S tudents must make out class schedul e nnt lat er than these days. \\ 'ednesday . F eb . 3....... ...Cbsses begin, 8 :-1-5 a. 117. J7 ri clay, A pril 2 ...... ...... ........................Eas ter R ecess begins Monday. Ap ril 12 ...............Classes beg in. 8 :-J..; a. 111. Sunday. June 1.L........... ............. Baccalaureate Sermon l\fonday. June 1-1- ....Class Day Exercises . Alumni Re-union L-J.'t1es:lay. _1une 15.. .......... ........ Commencement Da~ SECOND SE:\ IESTER. Feb. 1-J une 15. 1926. Monday . Tuesday. F eb. 1. 2




:=: ummer ·vacation


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