



Place of Meeting .

ess ions are held 111 the B;ble Institute bu ilding.

When to Begin. Stud ent s may enter at a ny t ime; but the beginning of one of the T erms is a better time to enter than in the mi dd le of a T erm, and at the beginning of the Fall Term is better st ill. Expenses. A nomina l fee of one doll ar a term is charged for Regis­ tration. Th; s mu st accompany app li cat ion fo r membe rshi p. T here a re no t uiti on fees, except fo r pri-va tc lessons in n 1t1 SIC. For priYate YOca l lessons or piano lessons. st udent s are Cred its. in the Day School fo r work cl one in the Evenin~ School wi ll be awa rd ed in accordance with the proporti on of th e subj ect CO\'ered in any pa r t icular course o[ study cons;d­ erecl in its relation to that study in the Day School. l st . The minimum length of residence in the clay school for g raJua t ion is one school yea r of two semes ters . 2nd . The minimum work done in the Evening School for grad uati on a fter one yea r 's res idence in the clay school is fi ve terms' work. T ha t is, a ll the Evenin o- School examinat ions of these fiye te rms to be passed with a g rade of at least 75 per cent . giYen a special ra te of one dollar per lesson. Relation to the Day School of the Institute. 3rd. In the case of a student who ha s had less than fiye terms of work in the Evening School. cred it will be g iven in the cla1· school course fo r each subject in whi ch the stud ent has passed in the Evening School with a g rad e of at least 75 per cent. Thi s will excuse the eYening school student from taking the clay school exam inat ions in that sub ject, and may excu ·e the stud ent from attending the cla s abo . The latter to be left to the d isc retion of the teacher of: the subj ect . Admission. Intend ing student s shou ld apply either personall y or by ma il. fo r an Appli cat ion fo r Admiss ion fo rm, and after filling­ it return it at once with the Regi strati on Fee to THE SECRETARY OF THE EVENING SC:HOOL, BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES.

Sixty- thre e

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