

THE COURSE OUTLINED The Course is so arranged that in it every book of the B;ble is studi ed b1· one or more method s. For detai ls o'E the va ri ous studi es. see pages 21-..J.l. FIRST YEAR (1923-2 4)-FALL TERM :\fon . 6 :30 l\lusic.-Ha rmony. 8:15 The Doc trine o f Goel. Thurs. 6 :-l-5 i\f usic,-:: fota ti on and Sight Reading. 7 :30 Biblical Intrncluction 1. 8:15 The Doctrine of Goel . Fri. 6 :15 Personal \ Vork 7 :00 O ld T es tament 1-fotory- Post-Captiv ity Per;od. 7 :00 H ow to T each Children. 8 :00 Synthetic Bible Stud ies-The Gospels. WINTER TERM l\1on. 6 :30 l\fu sic.- Harmony. 8 :15 B ible Doct rine of Jesus Christ. Thurs. 6 :45 Music.- N"otation and S ight Reading. 7 :30 B iblical Introduction 2. 8 :15 Bible Doc trine of Jesus Chr ist . F ri. 6:15 Personal \\"ork 7:00 Chapter Summary No . I Gen., Ex., Lev ., Num. 7:00 Studi es in the Gospel of ]\[atthew. 8:00 Srn theti c Bib le Studies- Acts . I and I1 Thessa­ "ionian s, I and II Cori nthi ans. SPRING TERM. l\[on. 6 :30 l\ fu sic.- H a rmony. 8: l 5 Bible Doc trine of J esus Chr ;st. Thurs . 6 :45 l\f usic.- Nota ti on and S ight Reading. 7 :30 Chri stian E1· iclences. 8: 15 Bible Doc trine of Jesus Christ. Fri. 6: 15 1 ersonal \\' ork · 7 :00 Chapter Summary No . rT- Deuteronomy to I[ Samuel. 7 :00 S tudies in specia l port ions. 8 :00 Synthet; c B ibl e Studies. SUMMER TERM. \ \'ork to be clone by correspondence. Chapter Summary No . III-I and II Ki ngs, Obadiah, J oel, Jonah , Amos , H osea. Isaiah.


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