


Mon. 6 :30 Music,-Ha rmony.

8 :1 5 Bible Doctr ine of Jesus Chri st.

Ihurs. 6 :-.J.5

l\Iusic,-::-Jotat ion and Sight Read ing.

7 :30 Personal \ \' ork . 8 :15 Bible Doctrine of Jesus Ch r ist .

6 : 15 Homil et ;cs 6 :15 Chapter Summary No . IV .- Book of P salms. 7 :00 \\ ' hat to Teach Young People. 7 :00 The Life and Letters of Pau l. 8 :00 Synthetic Bibl e Studies, Genes is to Deuteronomy. WINTER TERM.


l\Ton. 6 :30 1\1 usic.-Hannom·.

8 :15 Bibl e Doctri ne of the Holy Spirit.

Thurs. 6 :-.J.5

l\[usic.-S ight S ing ing.

7 :30 Homil etics 2. 8 :15 Bibl e Doctrine of the Holy Spir;t_

6 :15 Per sonal \\"ork. 6 :15 Chap te r Summa ry No . \ · .- Micah, N ahum, Zephaniah , J eremiah, Lamentati ons, Habakkuk, Dani el, Ezeki el. 7:00 How to T each Young People. 7 :00 Later Leaders and Prophets of I s rael and Judah. 8:00 Synthet ic Bible Studi es. SPRING TERM.

:Fri .

Mon. 6 :30 l\I usic.- Ha rmony .

8 :15 Bibl e Doct rine of Man.

Music.-Notation II and S ight Reading.

Thurs. 6 :-.J.5

7 :30 Homiletics 3. 8 :15 B ibl e Doctrine of }Ian.

F ri .

6 :15 Personal \\'ork. 6 :15 Chapter Summary No . V[-Ez ra , Hagga i, Zech­ a riah, Esther. Nehemiah, }falachi, Matthew, Mark, Luke, J ohn . 7:00 H ow to T each You ng People. 7 :00 Studi es in Luke. 8 :00 Synthet ic Bible Stud ies. (Books to be announced later. ) SUMMER TERM.

Work to be done by co rrespondence. Chapter Summary No . V II-Acts and Epist les .


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