



Correspondence School Inst rncti on by co rrespondence long since ceased to be an experiment and took a well-earned place as a duly accredited method of educati on. If it lacks the personal t ouch of th~ class-room, it has some advantages that the class-room cloe~ not have. It intensifies orig inality, giYes more t ime for con­ siderat ion. and incr(ases determinat ion. The Bible Inst;tute of Los Angeles offer s to men and women who are proYiclentially hincl erecl from attendi ng the P.ible Inst itute_. sne ral very pract ;cal courses to be taken by correspond ence. A ll are designed with the thought of d r iving t he stuclent to the \ \'orcl of Goel it self. and causing him to work out for himsel f the Sc r ipture teachings. They are not courses of reading. They a re tools with which to work. Each course is printed in loose- leaf fo rm, punched for bincler, ancl a substantial binder will be furnished at small cost. Quest ions, with Scripture references to supply the a nswers. are frequently employed. Statements are part ly formu lated. leav­ ing the stucl ent to complete them. O th er methods are usecl to promote or ig inality in the student. The Registration Cost The regist rati on fee includes all instruction papers. Courses cannot be sent unH registration fee is received. U ni­ form exam inati on paper for answering questions will be sup­ pli ecl at the rate of 2j cents per 50 sheets. postpaid. Printed chapter summa ry blanks fo r Courses 3 ancl 7, 30 cents per 50. postpaid . Loose- leaf binder for lesson sheets, 75 cents. postpaid. Examinati on paper is requirecl fo r all courses except No. 2. Stud ents also required to furni sh postage fo r the return of their lessons . Time for Completing Course Two years is the time a ll owecl for completion of a ny one course, but they may be compl eted in much shorter time. Regular progress is desired, and if fo r any reason progress cannot be made, the stud ent is asked to in form the secretary. Arrangements can be made for extendi ng the time limit , where conditi ons necessitate such.


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