

D iscontinuance of Studies Registrat;on fees a re not returned to student s d iscon­ tinuing any of the cou rses . A stud ent may not tran s fer from one course to another after some work ha s been reported on a course . \ \"hen a course has been all owed to lapse, and the student has not responded to inquiri es. hi s name is dropped from the li st of regula rly enroll ed student s, but may be reinstated by pay ing an additiona l fee of 50 cents. If a stud ent is dropping the studies, and wi shes to rece iYe the bal­ ance of papers for re ference, he should notify t he secretary and request the for warding of all paper s. Privileges Offered T he sec retary will a nswer reasonable quest ions related to the lessons. and wi ll be glad to ach·ise the stud ent or help in any way at any t ime. so far as poss ible. Credit Allowed on Institute Work Correspondence student s who wi sh to enter the Bibl e Institute la ter may arra nge to recei\·e some cred it on compl eted courses one. three and seycn. Fundamental Doctri nes of Chr; s­ tianity. T hrough the Old Testament a nd ;\ew Testament by Book a nd Chapters, hy conf err ing with the Secretary of the Faculty f the In stitute. Certificate on Completion A Bible In stimtc certifi ca te is presented when a course is success fully compl eted . A stud ent who wishes to take the stud ies without examinati ons, may do so by fo rf eiting the ri ght to recei \·e a cerHi ca te. Enrollment Appli cat ion should be made on the regu lar app li cat ion blank which th e secreta ry will supply, a nd accompani ed by the remittance in full. Make money orders payable to Bible In sti­ tute of Los Angeles.


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