


The Courses Offered Course No . I

FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIAN­ ITY, D r. R. A. Torrey, Instructor. P ri ce $5. (English lf7s., including all postage.) T horough topical study of the g reat doctrines of Scr ipture, such as the Inspirati on of the Sc riptures. God, Chri st , Holy Spi rit, Satan, etc. The student fills in por­ tions of t he study sheets, and when the papers a re submitted, compa ri son wo rk is returned, by which the student can j udge his work and O'et further help before taking examina tions. Can be completed in one year. Course No . 2 STUDIES I N THE GOSPELS, Rev. Ke ith L. Brooks. Inst ructor. Price $5. (Eng li sh 1£7s.. includ ing postage.) A verse by ve rse study of l\latthew and J ohn involvi ng compa r i­ sons with Mark and Luke. Chri st's Kingdom teachings a re illum inated by clea r notes by Mr. Brooks in which Scripture references are a lways used fo r proof. A fascinating way to take up the study of the li fe and teachings of the Sa\'io r . The student is required to fi ll in bl ank spaces in lesson sheets and submit the work. The studi es a re well adapted fo r class work . Course No . 3 THROuGH THE OLD T ESTA~1ENT BY BOOKS AND CHAPT ERS . Rev. J ohn H . Hunter, Inst ructor. P rice $3. (English l8s., including all postage .) This is the chapter summary method of study . The student reads each chapte r , working out the r equired points on each, and reco rd ing in blanks provided. This is submitted fo r correct ion, and com­ parison work by l\1 r. Hunter accompanies the papers on their return to the student . Introductory studies to each book of the O ld Testament are given. Can be completed in one yea r. See Course No . 7 THROUGH THE NEW TESTA­ ME TT, etc. Course No. 4 PER O1\AL EVANGELI SM AND PRACTICAL \ ,VORK, Rev. T. C. Horton, Instructor . P r ice $3. 50. ( EngEsh 18 shi ll ings, includ ing postage. ) Includes a brief doctr ina l course and gives practical and Sc riptura l methods of deal ing with the


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