



unsaved of all clas es, as well as fo llowers of the various cults . Sugge ti ons for conduct of va ri ous kind s of religious services, organizations and direction of Bible Classes, colportage and other prac tical Chri st ian work . Course No. 5 THROUGH THE BIBLE I N ONE YEAR , Rev. W. H. P ike. Instructor . Price $3 . (Engli sh 18s ., includ ing all post­ age . ) Foll ows the telescopi c method. giving one a bird 's-eye view of each book of the Bibl e. Examinat ions of a simple cha racter are gi\'en upon groups of about fi ve books at a time. Gives one a fin e general idea of the Bibl e. Fifty lessons, one a week. Course No. 6 BIBLE BEGINNERS' COURSE, Rev. Keith L. Broob, Instructor. Pi-ice $2 . (Engli sh l 2s ., including a ll postage.) A se ries of vital studi es espec iall y fo r the Christ ians, taking up some of the rud imentary truth s of the Chri stian faith. Arranged so as to develop or;ginal ity in the student and create a deeper interest in Bible study . \Ne recommend th is to all who have had no pre\' ious tra ining, although it will be fo und ve ry stimulating to Christians generall y. Can be completed eas ily in a few months. Course No. 7 THROl.iG H THE NE\Y TESTA":11ENT BY BOOKS AND CHAPTERS, Rev. J ohn H. H unter , Inst ru ctor. P ri ce $3. (Engli sh 18s ., inclu cF ng all postage.) Same as Course No . 3, but in t he Kew Testament . Can be compl eted in one yea r . Special Supplemental Course for $1.00 T hi s unique course prepared by Mrs. Ke ith L. Brooks for those of Juni or and Intermed iate age, wil l be fou nd most ref reshing e\'en to mature beli eve rs. It is inva luable to Sunday School workers as it offers a va luable coll ect ion of supplemental material fo r use w;th young people, used with great success by Mrs . Brooks, a speciali st with children. As a means of inter­ esting young beli eYe r s in Bibl e Stud y, we have never seen its equa l. \\·e co rrect the students' work and place the Institute stamp upon a fini shed course. but do not give the regu lar Insti­ tute cer t ifi cate.


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