



Courses for Group Work Where Each Desires Credit l\ Tay two or more persons pursue a course together using the same set of lessons ? Yes- in all courses except Nos. 1, 2 and 6- by paying cos t and a half. and each person making appl icati on on our regular enrollment blank. Thi s wi ll enHle each person t o the benefits of the Correspondence School, including an Institute certifica te upon the success ful pass ing of examinati ons. P ersons so enrolli ng are o f course placed upon their honor that t hey will work out their exam inati ons by themselves . Courses for Group Work Where Credit Is Not Desired If a per son enroll ed in a correspondence course wishes to use h; s course fo 1· teaching a class, the members not ca ring to have the privil iges o f the Correspondence School, we can furn ish the princ;pal study mater ial at the fo ll owing prices : S up f>lc me11tal Co urse . by :-frs. K eith L Brooks- espec iall y for those young in the Fa ith. :Vfater ial only . 50 cents . ( Regula r enrollment , $ 1. ) Co urse I - Fundamental Doctrines , bv Dr. R. A. T orrey . Material only. $3. ( Regular enrollment. $5. ) Co urse 2-Stuclies in the Gospels. ll\· l(eith [,. Brooks. l\[ateri a l only. $2. ( Regular enrollment. $5. ) Co urse 3- Olcl T es tament Chapter Sum111ar)· . by J ohn H. Hunter. :\laterial only. $2. ( Regul a r enrollment, $3. ) S ee also Co urse 7. Co ur.•·e .;- P ersona l Ernngeli sm and Practica l \\. ork, by T. C. Horton. :-[aterial only. $1.75. ( Regu lar enrollment, $3.50. ) Co urse 5- Book Studies Cover ing the Bible. by \V. H. p;ke. Material only. $ 1.75. ( Regular enrollment , $3 .) Co urse 6- Bible Beg inners' Course . by Keith L. Brooks. l\ [ate1·ial onh·, 65 cent s. or lots of dozen sets or more. 50 cents each. (Reg~ilar enrollment. $2. ) Co urse 7- ?-Jew T es tament Chapter Summary \\. ork. by J ohn H. Hunter . :\laterial onl y, $ 1.50. ( Regular enrollment, $3. ) Address Secretary. Correspondence School. Bible In stitute of Los Angeles. 5.16- 558 South H ope S t. . Los Angeles. Calif .


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