

Evangelistic Department

T he Institute conducts aggress iYe eva ngelist ic work, under competent lead ersh ip, along the fo llowi ng lines : Among the Mex icans; Shops and Factori es ; among the Seamen in Pacifi c Coast Harbo rs ; H ouse to H ouse V isitation and Bibl e Class vVork by Tiibl e vVomen; among the Jews; a B ible Institute in Hunan , China . The Work of the Bible Women This work came into ex istence as the result of a deeply felt need to reach women in the home, and was organized by l\Irs. Anna L. H orton in January, 1909. "Bible \\ "omen" seemed to be the on ly approp riate name by whi ch to designate those chosen and consecrated to the work of sav ing soul s by lead ing them to Chri st, recla iming backslider s, meet ing. warn­ ing and instructi ng those who have been m;slecl by fal se reli­ gions , a nd esta bli shing beli evers through the teaching of the \ i\f orcl of Goel. The B ibl e vVoma n 's work is fo und whe reYer the circum­ stan ces spell opportunity. H er working hours a re any in the twenty-four when t he Lord can use her fo r comfo r t ing . help­ ing, winning back, or savi ng her sister s. The major part of her work is house to house Yis itation in an ass igned distr ict , organ izing a nd teachi ng Bibl e classes, 11,eeting women in business offices . speaking across counters, go ing from bed to bed in the hospitals, and tactfu ll y conver sing in the rest rooms of the business houses . The B ible \ i\foman aids pastors by tra;ning the church members for more efficient se rvi ce, a nd by finding in her v isita­ tion the backsli der and the unchurchecl , and report i1w the same to some pastor. S ince the orga ni zat ion o f the work, thi s ba nd of devoted women has spent one entire morning each week in counsel and prayer , knowing that their- work can only glorify Goel through the power of the H oly Sp irit .


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