



The Euodia Club Our state laws proh ibit the teaching of the Bible in the public schools. but there is no law forb idding the undermining of the fa ith of the student s in God 's \Vorel, and the theory of evolut ion a nd other teachings contrary to the Bible a re freely taught . Beca use of these cond;ti ons, and a lso because of the fact that our young people are led astray so earl y in these clays, in 1910 the fir st B ible cla ss among High School g irl s was formed by 1lf rs. An na L. Horton in connect ion with the old Los Angeles H igh School. A g roup of g irl s was gathered t ogether one afternoon · each week fo r B ible study. Q uickl y fo ll ow ing thi s oth er cla sses we re fo rmed , until we now have twenty of th ese weekl y Bible classes in connection with the va r ious In te r­ med;ate and High School s of the city and out lying towns. Some of the High School boys are now clamoring for Bible teaching . and three cla sses a rc composed of splendid Chri stian boys. eager for a better knowledge of the \ i\Torcl of Goel . The organization of these classes as a whole is known as "The E uod ia Club ." T he mean ing of the word E uocli a is "fragrance.' ' the mot to being "Be fragrant for Chri st." In the past few yea rs we haYe studied the Books of Genes is, J ohn and Acts . tak;ng a yea r to each . O ne year was devoted to the great fundamental truth s of the B ible, and one yea r to cl is­ pensa ti onal Truths. A number of our gir ls a re taki ng , or have taken, the B ibl e Inst itut e ,ottrse. and mam· are in active ser vice for the Lord . At lea st one g irl is on the 'foreign fi eld , and other s are plann ing to go. Our three-fold aim: T o te:ach the \ Vorel; to save un saved g ir ls ; to lead saYed girls in to li ves of sen· ice. The Jewish Work Remember;ng the cri ptural injuncti on- "to the J ew fir st,' ' we maintain among these " lost sheep of the house of I srael" div inely gifted workers whose labors haYe been greatly blessed, and no co1werts afford us morE' j oy than t hose from among the people "of whom, as conce rning the fl esh. Chri st came."


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