



The Spanish Work A competent. consecra ted worker. with a real love for th e Spani sh people, is ma in tai ned to labor among the Spanish­ speak ing people of the city a nd surrounding town s including the many camps composed of :liexican laborers . The work consists of personal ;nten ·iews, with Bible classes and Gospel meetings where poss ibl e. as a result of which very many have been brought out of darkness into the g lorious light of the Gos­ pel of Chri st. The Shop Work In the shops, factories, ca r barns a nd fire engi ne houses , hundreds of men are found whose ci rcumstances fo rm an almost in su rmountable barrier to their attenda nce upon regula,· church serv ices, and among tl ese our e\·angeli sts hold Gospel meet ings on week-clays and press the claims of the L ord J esus Chr ist upon men, many of \vhom become Chri st ia ns of the stu rel iest type. Seamen's Work of the Bible Institute O ur Pacific ports a re teeming with the t raffi c of the world . Ships hailing from South America, ;'l[exico, Europe, Asia, Ch ina, Japan , Au stral ia and the islands o f the sea. with crews. immi g rant s, travelers of all races , pass to and fro from all part •; o f the globe. Recogn izi ng thi s g rea t opportunity and responsibility, we have entered on t he task o f e\'a ngelizing thi s cosmopolitan throng. \ \'e are all obli gated to the sa il or. His li fe is one of priYati ons, pecu liar hard sh ip and per il. physicall y, morally and spiritually. Ko class is more neglected; none more r esponsive to and g ra teful for our effort - . The work is in charge of an especially efficient and com­ petent Superin tend ent, upon whose labors the bless ing of Goel has rested in abundant measure. The aim is to reach eyery man on board with th e Gospel, a nd to provide them with the Scriptures and other Chri sti a n literature free of charge. Se r­ vices are held wheneYe r and whe reYer possible on a ll vessels. a nd many personal interviews are had. The worker does not wai t on sho re for the men to come to h im, but himself boards the \·esse ls. He does not confine hi s work to the sailors, but ha s had the joy o f dealing with


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