



many officer s in the ca bin s. and has given the Gospel to thou­ sand s of pa ssenge rs fr om Japa n, China and K orea , en route to South Ameri ca . Thus th e work i · a combinat ion o f home and for eign se rv;ce,-Amer icans, E ngli shmen. Hawa iians. Negroes, Span­ iards . Greeks, Italians. Fi li pinos. Norwegians, Siamese, Ch i­ nese, Japanese . a ll reac hed within two weeks, and all ha ving th e n1 essage, e ither by lip or trac t. in their own language. The Bible Institute in Hunan Province, China The main featu res of th e work o f the Bible Inst itute 111 Hu nan P rov ince, Ch; na , are: The Bible Institute at Cha ngsha . The Bi ola E vange li sti c Ba nd s . The Huna n Autumn Bible School a nd Conf erence at l\'a n Yoh, th rough the agency of a ll of whi ch an int ensi\·e and extensive ernn_ge li sm is carri ed on. Thi s work is und er th e di rec ti on of Dr. F rank A . K ell er . fo r man y yea rs conn ected with the Chin;. Inla nd l\J; ss ion. · The Bible Inst itute at Changsha O ne of the g rea t needs in China today is that of tra ined na ti ve pastors a nd eYa ngeli s1s who a re thoroug hl y sound in the faith . who know the truth and know how to impart it to others . and who haYe a pass ion for t he los t. The coll eges and semina ri es a lreach· es tablished in China . whi ch are condu cted along th e lines df those in Ameri ca . do not meet th; s need , and it can onl v be met bv B ibl e In stitut es such as that wh ich Dr . l~ell er ha; established a t Changsha . H e report s a n enroll ­ ment fo r thi s yea r o f more than 100 men a nd 30 women stu­ dent s, with othe r appli cati ons wa it ing dec ision. \\' ith the nevv bui ldings now pract; ca ll y compl eted . th ere is eve ry reason t0 beli eve that thi s numbe r will be Ye ry la rgely increased. The Biola Evangelistic Bands The Bi ola Enngelisti c Bands are ba nd s of Chin ese eva n­ gelists and student enngeli sts. sent out by th e Bible Institu te of Los Angeles, in H una n, to do a wo rk of wi des pread , and at

Sevent y -eight

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