

in a systematic form. However, the study proves also of immense help in the development of all the intellectual facul­ ties of the student, and really is also a course in the only sure and stable philosophy that there is, viz., the philosophy revealed by an Omniscient God. The student who takes a complete course, is thus qualified not only to promulgate the truth, but to discern and expose all the forms of false doctrine that are being taught in the world and in the church today.

The following doctrines are covered in this course:

A. The Bible Teaching Concerning God

(1) God as Spirit. (2) The Unity of God, (including the Bible doctrine of the Trinity). (3) The Eternity of God. (4) The Immutability of God. ( 5) The Self-existence of God. (6) The Personality of God. (7) The Omnipotence of God. (8) The Omniscience of God. (9) The Holiness of God. (10) The Justice of God. (11) The Love of God. (12) The Mercy of God. (13) The Compassion of God. (14) The Veracity of God . (15) The Faithfulness of God.


The Bible Teaching Concerning Jesus Christ ( 1) His Deity. (2) His Subordination to the Father. ( 3) Jesus Christ as Real Man. (4) His Holiness. ( 5) His Love to God. (6) His Love to Man. (7) His Love for Souls. (8) His Compassion. (9) His Prayerfulness. ( 10) His Meekness. ( 11) His Humility. ( 12) His Death-its pur­ pose, for whom He died, results of His death. (13) His Res­ urrection-the fact of His resurrection, the manner of His resurrection, the result of His resurrection. (14) His Ascen­ sion, or Exaltation-the fact of His Ascension, the results of His Ascension. ( 15) His Coming Again-the fact of His coming again, the manner of His coming again, the purpose of His coming again, the results of His coming again, the time of His coming again.

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