

The Evening School

What it is. That department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles holding evening classes in Bible study, Gospel Music, and Methods of Christian work. For Whom Intended. For earnest, consecrated men and women employed in business or otherwise engaged during the day, willing to study evenings to secure thorough equipment for intelligent, aggressive Christian work; for super­ intendents and teachers of Sunday Schools who realize their need of a better knowledge of the Bible and methods of Christian work; for young men and women desiring to devote some spare time to city mission work; for young people looking forward to work in the home or foreign mission field, who cannot attend the day school of the Institute; for every Chris­ tian man and woman wishing a more thorough and systematic knowledge of the Word of God.


The Full Course. The full course necessary to qualify for a certificate covers three years' work. Bible and Music Classes are held on Monday, Thursday and Friday. For periods and subjects see pages 58-61. During the summer months studies are carried on by correspondence. Terms. There are four terms in each year as follows : Fall Term, the last Monday in September to the second Thursday in December, 12 weeks. Winter Term, the first Monday in January to the fourth Thursday in March, 12 weeks. Spring Term, the first Monday in April to the last Thursday in June, 12 weeks. Summer Term, the first of July to the third week of September, 12 weeks. Course. The course includes a careful study of the leading doctrines of the Bible; the reading and study of the whole Bible from Genesis to Revela­ tion by book. chapter, analytic or other methods; a complete course in the use of the Bible in Personal Work; Biblical Introduction; Christian Evi­ dences; Missions; the Preparation and Delivery of Gospel Addresses and Bible Expositions; Sunday School, and other Methods of Christian work. Music. In music, the students are drilled in sight reading, and conducting congregational singing. Private instruction in vocal and instrumental music is also arranged for when desired. For special rates see page 4. Page Fifty-six

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