


itual) which are thus brought to their attention. Every va­ riety of spiritual need, every form of false doctrine, every de­ gree of Bible ignorance, every phase of heart hunger, continu­ ally face these devoted Bible women for solution, counsel, lov­ ing consideration and sympathy. Chinese Mission We have a Training School in Ch ina. Our mission boat, too, touches at towns and villages giving our native workers opportunity to preach, di stribute Bibles and literature, and bill a town with flaming Gospel posters. The Biola Club This is at No. 648 South Spring St reet, is neatly furnished and admirably situated for the work which is being carried on there. A Business Men's noonday prayer meeting is conducted each noon except Sunday. Meetings are held each night in the week for young men. The room is open every afternoon as well, and affords an opportunity for personal work for young men. Seaman's Work An important department of our work is the service among the seamen. Los Angeles Harbor is growing rapidly in im­ portance as a seaport and thou sand s of men are reachable with the Gospe l. Our workers visit the vessels, conduct services and do personal work with the men. They have been able to reach as many as seventy-five vessels in one month. Many of the boats are from foreign ports and our students who are able to speak foreign languages find a large oppor tunity for definite personal work. The opening of the Panama Canal and the large increase of the merchant marine business have greatly increased our opportunity for a large work among the seafaring men. At San Francisco also the Institute Seamen's Missionary carries on a similar work. Biola Hall The latest enterprise of the Institute is the establishing of a mission in San Pedro, where is located the harbor of Los Angeles. Here are constantly gathered large numbers of sea­ men and longshoremen; here the Government fort is in pro­ cess of construction , and large manufacturing concerns are being established.

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