



ou r regul a r enrollment blank . T his will ent itle each per son to the benefit s of the Co rrespondence Schoo l, includ ing an In ­ st'tute ce r t ifi ca te u pon the successiu l passi ng of examina ti ons. Persons so enro lling a re of course placed upon the ir honor that they wi ll wor k out t heir examinat ions IJy themseh ·es . Courses for Group Work Where Credit Is Not Desired 9 . I f a person en ro ll ed in a cor respondence course wi shes lo use hi s cou rse f or teac hi ng- a class, t he members not ca r ing lo ha,·e the pri Yi liges of the Correspondence School, we can fu rn ish the princi pal stud ,· mate r ia l in book form fo r Courses 1. 2. -1- . a nd 6 a t the fo llm,Ying- prices : Course 1-$3.00 . Course 2- ~2 .00 . Cour se -1-- $ 1.50 . Course 6- 15 cents.

Seven ty-seven

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