

Course No. 5 THROUGH THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR, Rev. W. H. Pike, Instructor. Pr;ce $3. (English 18s., including all post­ age.) Follows the telescopic method , giving one a bird's-eye view of each book of the Bible. The student fill s out blanks, answering certain questions regarding each book. Gives one a fine general idea of the Bible. Fifty lessons, one a week. Course No. 6 . BIBLE BEGINNERS' COURSE, Rev. Keith L. Brooks, Instructor. Price $2. ( English 12s., including a ll postage.) A series of vital studies especially for the Christians, taking up some of the rudimentary truths of the Christian faith . Arranged so as to develop originali ty in the student and create a deeper interest in Bible study. We recommend thi s to all who have had no previous training, al­ though it will be found very stimulating to Christians generally. Can be completed eas ily in a few months. Course No. 7 THROUGH THE NEW TESTAMENT BY BOOKS AND CHAPTERS, Rev. John H . Hunter, Instructor. Price $3. (English 18s., including all postage.) Same as Cou rse No. 3, but in the New Testament. Can be completed in one year. Course No. 8 BEGINNER'S BOOK STUDY. Rev. Keith L. Brooks, Instructor. Price $2.50. A verse-by-verse study of the Gos­ pels of Luke and John revealing Chri st as Son of man and Son of Goel. Each interesting point of every verse is illuminated by other Scripture references. The student looks these up and after filling in the blank spaces in the lesson sheets, finds he has written a complete commentary with every statement backed up by the inspired \i\Tord of God. The work is especially valuable to beginners but will be enjoyed by the most advanced Bible students. One may enroll at any time in the year and the time limit for completing the work is two years.


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