

to him, but himself boards the vessels. He does not confine his work to the sailors, but has had the joy of dealing with many officers in the cabins, and has given the Gospel to thou­ sands of passengers from Japan, China and Korea, en route to South America. Thus the work is a combination of home and foreign service,-Americans, Englishmen, Hawaiians, Negroes, Span­ iards, Greeks, Italians, Filipinos, orwegians, Siamese, Ch i­ nese, Japanese, all reached within two weeks, and all having the message, either by lip or tract, in their own language. The Bible Institute in Hunan Province, China ( See Page 97) The main feature s of the work of the Bible Institute in Hunan Province, China, are: The Bible Institute at Changsha. The Floating Bible Schools , The Hunan Autumn Bible School and Conference at Nan Yoh, through the agency of all of which an intensive and extensive evangelism is carried on. This work is under the direction of Dr. Frank A. Keller, for many years connected with the China Inland Miss ion. The Bible Institute at Changsha One of the great needs in China today is that of trained native pastors and evangelists who are thoroughly sound in the faith, who know the truth and know how to impart it to others, and who have a passion for the lost. The colleges and seminaries already establi shed in China, which are con­ ducted along the lines of those in America, do not meet this need, and it can only be met by Bible Institutes such as that which Dr. Keller has establi shed at Chan~·sha. He reports an enrollment for the Fall T erm or 1922 of more than 120 (90 •nen, 32 women ) student s, with other applicati ons waiting decision. "\\/hen the new buildings now in course ot con- tructi on are completed, there is every reason to be li eve that this number will be very largely increased.


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