

The Finances of the Institute It has always been the practice of the Institute to make no charge for tuition. From certain investments there is a limited income for the carrying on of the work of the Institute, but in add iti on to this there is needed annua il y $100,000 for the main­ tenance of the work. This need is met each year by voluntary contributions. and those who believe in the teachings for which the Bible In­ stitute stands, and the work which it is doing in training men and women for Christian usefulness , and in actually winning men to Christ while they are being thus trained , are earnestly requested to help in the financial need s of the Institute. 1. By a contribution to current expense. Either large or small amounts will be gratefully reC'.eived, and will assist mater­ ially in the work. 2. By assuming the expense of training a student for one year. This means donating to the Institute, not the cost of his room and boa rd, but the pro rata cost of hi s instruction, i. e.. $175. 3. By founding a permanent fund for the training of a student, ( as in paragraph 2) · which fund 1nay bear the name of the donor, if so des ired. 4. By endowing a Scholarship, the income from which will meet the expense of a student for room and board. See page 95. 5. By investing in the Institute on the Annuity Plan. See page 96 . 6. By remembering "Bible Institute of Los Angeles" iu a la st will ancl testament. See page 98. Every contributor of $5.00 or more annually to the Insti tute, will receive The ·King's Business free.


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