

IV, Bible Analysis The method pursued consists of a thorough book study of selected books in the Bible, comprising ( 1) Introductory work on the book. (2) A rigid and thorough analysis of each verse in each chapter, the student in his analysis being required, as far as possible, to state in the most brief and exact form pos­ sible, everything that is in the verse and only what is in the verse. Everything that is in the verse in the most concise form. (3) When every verse has been carefully and thoroughly analyzed, the teachings of the book as a whole are classified. This method of study forms one of the most effective methods of training the various intellectual faculties and the power of expression. Only selected books are studied in this way, but ~uch books are chosen as seem most essential for the student to understand. V. Biblical Introduction Biblical int roduct ion is concerned with the canon of the Bible, the genuineness, authenticity and authorshi p of the different books, and the laws of interpretati on. VI. Biblical Criticism Biblical criticism has been brought into disrepute among many, because of the prevalence and arrogance of destructive critici sm, but it has its proper place in any thorough study of the Bible, and a thorough and candid study of Biblical criti­ cism never leads to destructive, but to constructive results. With us the study is pursued in connection with the various books of the Bibl e that are taken up, and also in the Course in the P hil osophy of the Chri stian Religion, page 30. VIL Christian Evidences (1) The proof that Jesus really arose from the dead. (2) The evidence that the Bible is the \Vord of God. Reference is made to the evidence from the monuments, from prophecy, from the history of the book, from a comparison of the Bible with other books, together with a proof in personal experience that the Bible is the ·word of Goel. See al so "Course in the Philosophy of the Christian Rel igion, " page 30.


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