

has bestowed upon the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, with some increase in our Faculty, this additional work could be given here in a more sat isfactory way in some respects than at most of our seminari es. In addition t o this, many ministers of di fferent denominations have said to us that they felt that the Bible Institute was under a n obligation to the churches t o give thi s add it ional work here at the Institute, and at the same t ime to give other work that could not be given in most theological semina ri es. A large measure of pressure has been brought t o bear upon us to acid a yea r to our work for those who are can­ didates fo r the regular mini stry, and we could not but feel that the opin ion of the mini sters in these different denominations was thoroughly justified by the facts in the case, and so it was cleciclecl to give an additional year for those who are ·preparing for pastoral work at home or abroad, and for others who wi sh to take it fo r one reason or another. Alert mini sters and laymen in recent years have become alarmed at the large number of churches throughout the coun­ try that are not supplied with pastors and cannot be supplied by the output of the existing theological seminar ies. Further st ill, t here have been sini ster developments of a most a larming character in the teaching in not a few of our t heological semi­ nari es, and the courses given, instead of fitting men for the mini stry, in many instances have thoroughly unfitted them for that impor tant work. Of course., thi s 1s not true of all the theological seminaries. Some of them are thoroughly sound and doing a fine work, and we have not hesitated to send our student s to them to get work which hitherto they have been unable to get at the Bible Institute. For Whom Intended This three year course for pastors is intended primarily for men in the va rious denominations who intend to take up the work of the regular pastorate at home or abroad ; but it is also intended for men who are already in the pastorate whose preparation hitherto has been inadequate for the work and who have come to reali ze the inadequacy of it by their actual ex­ perience in the work.


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