

Course. The course includes a careful study of the leading doc­ trines of the Bible; the reading and study of the whole Bible fr om Genesis to Re velat ion by book, chapter, ana lyti c or other methods; a complete course in the use of the Bible in Personal Work; Biblical Introducti on ; Christ ian Ev idences; Missions; the Preparation and Delivery of Gospel Addresses and Bible Expos itions; Sunday School, and other Methods of Chri stian work. Music. In music, the students are dri lled in sight reading, con­ ducting congregational s inging, and harmony. Private instruc­ tion in vocal and instrumental mu sic is al so arranged for when desired. For special rates see page 61. Those who take private Yocal or instrumenta l mu sic lessons are required to attend at least two Bible sess ions a week. Practical Christian Work Required. Enrolled students a re required to engage in definite Ch ri s­ tian work in connection with their own church, under the super­ vision of the Secretary of the Even ing School, the stud ent thus putting in practice what has been studi ed in the class room. Weekly Reports. Student s a re furnished blank fo rms on wh ich a careful report of study and wo rk mu st be made and handed in weekly. Cards on whi ch to record names and addresses of enquirer s or converts are furnished. the purpose being to get every conve rt connected with some church . How Many Classes. \Vhi le the course is a rranged so that persons of average ability, employed during the clay, can take a ll the classes, the Secretary will always be glad to arrange the number and char­ acter of classes attended to sui t the special needs of students. Our aim is to help each indi vidual as much as possible. Credit Cards. Students completing a term's work and pass ing satisfactory examinations a re given a Credit ca rd showing their standing in the exami nati ons. Certificate. A Certificate is given student s satisfactorily completing the three years' course.


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