

Place of Meeting. Sessions are held in the Bible Institute Building. When to Begin. Students may enter at any time; but t he beginning of one of the Terms is a better time to enter than in the middle of a Term, and at the beginning of the Fall Term is bette r st ill. Expenses. A nominal fee of one dolla r a term is charged for Regis ­ tration. Thi s must accompany application for membership. There are no tuiti on fees , except fo r private lessons in mUSIC. For private voca l lessons or piano lessons, students are Credits in the Day School for work done in the Evening School wi ll be awarded in accordance with the proportion of the subject covered in any particular course of study consid­ ered in its re lation t o that study in the Day School. 1s t. The minimum length of residence in the day school for graduation is one school year of three terms. 2nd. T he minimum work clone in t he Evening School fo r graduation after one year's residence in the day school is five terms' work. That is, a ll the Evening School examinati ons of these five terms to be passed \\·ith a grade of at leas t 75 per cent. 3rd. In the case of a student who bas had less than five terms of work in the Evening School, credit wi ll be given in the day school course for each subj ect in whi ch the student has passed in the Eveni ng School with a grade of at least 75 per cent. T hi s will excuse the evening school student from taking the clay school examinations in tha t subj ect, and may excuse the stud ent from at tending the class also. The latter to be left to the di sc reti on of the teacher of the subj ect. Admission. Intending students shoul d apply either personally or by mail , for an Appli cation for Admission form, and after filling it return it at once with the Registration Fee to THE SECRETARY OF THE EVENING SCHOOL, 1 BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES. given a special rate of one dollar per lesson. Relation to the Day School of the Institute.


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