


A rrangement s can be made fo r ex tend ing the t ime limit, where conditi ons necess itate such. Discontinuance of Studies 3. Registra ti on fees a re not returned t o stud ents d iscon­ tinuing any of the courses . A stud ent may not transfer from one cou rse to a nother after some work has been reported on the fir st course . I n cases where th e course has been all owed to lapse . and the student ha s not res pond ed to inquiri es . hi s name is dropped from the li st of regul arl y enroll ed tudents. If a stud ent is dropp ing the stud ies . and wi shes to receive the balance of pa pers for reference. he should notify t he secretary a nd request th e fo rwarding of all papers. Privileges Offered 4. The sec reta ry will answer reasonabl e qu esti ons related to the lessons. a nd wi ll be glad to ach·ise the student or help in any way at any time, so fa r as poss ible. Credit Allowed on Institute Work 5. Co rrespond ence students who wi sh to enter the Bibl e Institute late r may arra nge to receiYe some credit on completed courses one, three a nd seYen. F und amenta l Doctrines of Chri s­ tian ity. Through the O ld T es tament a nd New T es tament by Book and Chapte rs. by con fe rr ing with the Secretary of t he Facu lty of the In stitute. Certifi.::ate on Completion 6 . A Bible ] nstitute certifi ca te is presented when a course is successf ull y completed. A student who wi shes to take the studi es without examina ti ons. may do so by fo rfeit ing the right to r eceive a cert ificate. Enrollment 7. Appli ca ti on should be made on the applicati on blank attached . and accompani ed bv th e remi ttance in full. l\fake money ord ers payable to Hibfe Institute of L os Angeles. Courses for Group Work Where Each Desires Credit 8 . l\lfay two or more per sons pursue a course together using the same set of lessons? Yes- in a ll courses except 1 os. I and 6- by paying cos t and a half , and each person making out

Seve nty-six

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