D A Y 2 1 — D A Y 2 5 (BLUE PRINT PAGE #5) Bird-dogging, Assignments & Double Closings

Where Are You Today? Where Do You Want To Be Tomorrow?

You’re so very close to being on your way to the bank with a check! You’ve learned so much, and what you know

right now has placed you just one step away from putting a deal together and have you cashing a check. During the past 20 days you have learned: How to market, what works, bandit signs and their % placement. How to set up your phone number and marketing to be % ready for calls that will come. That you need to use the lead information sheet when % you’re on the phone with a seller, and exactly what ques- tions to ask them and why. When there is a possible deal from the answers you get, % and how to run the profit formula to come to your offer price.

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