30 Days to Real Estate Cash 135

Make sure that you understand the three fast cash 1. strategies presented in this blueprint section: Bird- dogging, Assignments & Double Closings. Practice a few deals by writing out the steps you would need to take for each strategy. Go to your buyer’s bucket and review each of your buy- 2. er’s profiles to see if you have enough information to target certain types of homes, areas, or price ranges. If so, move forward. If you don’t have enough information, contact some of 3. the buyers to see if they will tell you what they want most in the way of properties and where. The more detailed criteria they provide to you the better. This way you can only contact your buyers with deals that match their criteria. Your buyers list will be a continued work in process. 4. Keep on building and updating your buyer’s list every chance you get. If your marketing isn’t out there in your target areas, 5. then get it out there because it’s the only way you’re going to get deals to come to you! ,OCATE A TITLE CLOSING COMPANY ANDOR AN ATTORNEY THAT 6. is familiar and comfortable with double closing. The key IS TO lND A TITLE COMPANY ANDOR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE YOU need one. Be sure to use a good title company or real estate attorney to close both sides of the deal when doing a double close.

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