30 Days to Real Estate Cash 145

It’s exciting for us to be able to teach our kids about these types of things and things they can do, and the opportunities that they can have. Not only that, but also giving them the understanding and knowledge that they can do anything they put their mind to, just as we are doing what we are putting our mind to and seeing great success. We have been excited to use Dean’s program. So, thank you, Dean, for all that you’ve given us and offered us and taught us through your courses and through your books and everything. It has been a great experience, and it’s an exciting time of life for us, as we are continuing on in our real estate adven- ture. ~ Spencer and Terry Walker Jay St. Hilaire – Dean Graziosi Success Student Hi, this is Jay St. Hilaire, a student of Dean Graziosi, and a Success Academy student. I’ve read all of his books, and joined his Success Academy, and went through the courses from the Success Academy and learned a great deal from the DG website.

I’m on a cruise as I write this, my second week of a back-to-back vacation paid for from the profits I made from real estate.

With my wife, we’ve been through many ports of call; this is the beginning of the second week. If you could just see the magnificent ship and beach we are docked at in Florida, it would take your breath away. I just want to say thanks, Dean, for teaching

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