1. Do your own “Why” exercise. Go deeper than “I want to be rich” to get to the core reason you want to change your life and why you’re reading this book. Write down what you come up with and keep it in a place where you can refer to it when you’re in need of a little nudge or encouragement. One place could be above your bed- room light switch so you use it every morning and every evening. 2. Start writing a goal plan, setting realistic goals for at least a year out. Break up the big goals and set up goals for the next 30 to 60 days that are based on what you’re about to learn. If you break down your goals for the year down to the month down to the week, even better. Remember, goals are not just doing deals. Suc- cessful goals are also reaching milestones with learning as you review each potential deal. Write down your ex- pectations for negative reactions from family and friends and put it away for now. You’ll enjoy pulling it out later and seeing that you were right on with it, and then you can tear it up and throw it away. You will be success- ful as you gain more confidence, and soon others will become more confident in you. Never let anyone slow you down from where you are destined to be. 3. Go to www.DeanGraziosi.com to create your free ac- count if you have not done so already. This website is an investor network and social community. It is a crucial part of the success of many of my most successful stu- dents. Your homework is to watch a few video blogs, register as a member, and make at least one post a day to a forum topic of your choosing.

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