

A.PPLICATION FOR ADMISSION Persons desiring to enroll as students of the Bible Institute should write for an application form to the Superintendent of Men or Women, as the case may be. Directions concerning filling it out should be followed explicitly. No one is accepted as a student until after the references given by him have been heard from. Applicants should not present themselves at the Institute expecting to be received as students until notified of their acceptance. ARRIVING IN LOS ANGELES Several lines of railroads enter Los Angeles, coming in at different stations. It · is impossible to meet students at the trains. Incoming students, however, should notify the Superintendent of Men or Women, as the case may be, as to the time their train is scheduled to arrive in Los Angeles, and also the road over which they are traveling. We advise that women unaccompanied take a Yellow Cab from depot to the Institute, 558 South Hope Street. Present rate from Santa Fe Depot is fifty-five cents; from Southern Pacific, forty-five cents. Immediately upon arrival at the Institute, men should report to the Superintendent of Men, and Women to the Superintendent of Women. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Young men and women making application for admission to the Institute should be at least eighteen years of age, and in reasonably sound health. All appl icants desiring the diploma of the Institute must have completed the high school course or its equivalent. One lacking such educational standard may be enrolled as a student without the assurance of graduation, until such time as he may be qualified . A thorough college course is desirable. For Christian service the best possible preparation ought to be secured. All applicants for admission to the Institute must be of approved Christian char­ acter, and should have. at least one year of Christian experience. They should mani­ fest a genuine love for souls. They must be willing to do hard work and submit to discipline and order. Students expecting to enter the Institute should plan on doing so at the begin­ ning of a semester either in September or in February, preferably in September. Students are accepted on trial, and if for any reason they are found unadapted for Christian work they may be asked to withdraw at any time. TUITION There is no charge for tuition except in the case of private music lessons, voice and piano. Those desiring to pursue work along these lines will be referred to the Music office for assignment to one of our Music Instructors, whose charges for private lessons are reasonable, and to whom the student makes payment direct. REGISTRATION FEE There is a registration fee of $10.00 each semester, payable on registration day before the student's class schedule is made out. The Cashier's receipt must be pre­ sented to the Registrar. No fee is refunded in case of a student leaving before the end of a semester. The registration fee takes care of such expenses as the maintenance of the Student Employment Bureau, Hospital Fund and the service of the School


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