ADVANTAGES AND PRIVILEGES jf JEST of a ll we c1re Yc ry fortunate in om staff of teachers. Th ey arc al l men a nd women of true Chri s tian Ii fe and expe rien ce. deepl y taught in the \,Vo rel of Goel a nd each cspec1all y pr epared for his o r h er own particular 1111 c of wo rk. f\rnong them a r c some of the ve ry g r eatest Bible te ache r s of thi s generation. and no Bible In s ti tute in the world has a more capable and devoted g r oup of wo rkers . The second advantage of th e B ible In s titute o f Los Angeles is fou nd in its locat ion . There is pr ba bl y no mo r e hea lthful climate in all the world than th at of this city. The student he r e is free fr om a ll the physical strain that one is necessarily und e r, e ith e r in summer o r winter . in most la rge cities in other sectio ns of th e nitcd States . :-Jany coming to Los Ange les in run-cl own ph ys ica l conditi on, soo n r ega in aboundin g healt h. But this is no t the on ly advantage in the locat ion of th e Bible Institute in this city . It is cl o11bt fu l if t her e is a ny othe r city on the globe where there is at the pr esent t ime so g reat a n eed on the one hand. and on the ot her so g r eat an oppo rtuni ty an d p rom ise. for sound and so lid Bible work and agg r ess ive Chri st ian effort. l\o one who has not lived in Los Angeles and studied t he city and it s inhabit an t s. its locatio n. r eso urces a nd grow th , has any con cept ion of its presen t g reat ness, and much less of its futur e possibilities. It has not only the matchless climate to which r efe r ence ha s a lrea dy been made. but a lso its ma r ve lous ly fe rtil e soil . its rich mines . .its cheap fuel. a nd a c iti zens hip of r a r e qua lity. In additi on to this. the opening of the P a na111a Ca nal. a nd th e proximity of the Ca li forn ia Coast to the O ri ent. a ll mark Los A nge les as a city of d est in y. );ot on ly docs Los Ange les a lr eady dominate t he Pac ific Coas t, but its influence upon Japan. Chin a and Korea. is immeasu r able fo r good o r ev il. T hi s is the c riti ca l hour. a nd those wh o believe in the Bible and its 111 a t chless power to influ ence . not on ly individuals. but also society as a who le, and the co111111crcial lif e of nati on s as well as their religious lif e. should se ize the present oppo rtunity at any cost. This city is not onl y a place of unpa r a lle led a dvantages for th e stu dy of t he \\. o rcl of Goel, but a lso for th e use of t he \ ,Vo rel in sav ing 111cn, while it is be ing s tudi ed. St ud en ts will find he r e an opportunity to work among people of E uropean nations, and also amo ng t he Span i,; h spea king peopl e of :- 1cx ico, Cent ral and So uth A 111 crica, and among Koreans, Chin ese. J apa n esc and H indoos . l\ o othe r city offer s such opportuni ti es for preparation fo r work in fo r eig n lands. T he third advantage is found in the buildings and equ ipment. Th e Bible In stitute has two do rmi to ri es , one for men and on e fo r " ·omen. Each of th ese bu il dings is fifteen sto ries hi gh. in cludin g baseme nt and sub-basement , and abso lutely fire-proof. There arc o,·er 600 rooms, with hot and co ld water. steam hea t. and electr ic li ght in every room. T her e a r c also shower a nd tub ba t hs on each Aoor . and many o th e r co n veniences in connection with the rooms. I t has a lso an a udit o rium building with a ma in audi to rium accommodati ng o,·cr 4000 peopl e, an d sma ll e r lect ure rooms fo r th e di ff c r ent c lasses . These lectu r e rooms can be thrown together and accommo date o ,·e r 1000 peop le. There is a lso a large libr ary and reading room fo r quiet study (sec page 22) and a lso assemb ly rooms. There arc three roof gar dens , one on each building. These buildings a r c located in the ve ry hea rt of the bus in ess a nd hotel sect ion of Los A nge les . Th ey arc 1Yithin a sto ne's throw of the Biltmore Hotel. a nd on ly one block from the largest r eta il sto r e in the c ity . They a r e a lso within easy r each of a ll lin es of street ca r s, radiating to a ll parts of the city and running out s ixty o r seventy miles into the cou ntry. Some of t he most important lin es of both street ca r sys tems run within a qua r te r of a block of t he bu ildings, and tr a ns fc r s can be had fro m them to a ll other lin es in th e city. The next ach· a ntagc is found in the access ibili ty of the publi c library (wh ich is the largest library west of Chicago) a nd othe r buildings of a n educa ti ona l ch a r acte r wh ich a re open to the public. Th e library is located immed iate ly ad jace n t to the In st itute building. See page 17. A furthe r ach ·a n tage is fou nd in th e oppo rtunity for recreation. Al l th e ocean beaches a r e access ible by str eet ca r lines. Some of them ca n be r eached in ha ]f an hou r and other s of them in an hour. ;,.I\. Lowe and :-lt. \ Vi lso n can be r eached by trolley. The students on their r est cl ays t ake ma ny o utings together, and parties needin g rest go to the seashor e or mountain r eso rt s. 13
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