The in struction in \·oice, piano, o rgan and \'iolin is indi\'idual. and a charge of $1 .50 for ha! £-hour lessons is made fo r \'Oice, piano and \'iolin, and $3 .00 fo r pipe organ to enrolled students, and their \\-i\·es, or husbands, o r children, and to mi ssionaries on furlough. To persons not enrol lee! as stu dents th e rates fo r private in str uction arc: \·oice, piano and v iolin, $3.00 : pipe organ, $6.00. A charge oi $1.00 a month is made for daily use of practice pianos for piano and \'Oice pupils . The rate for pi re o rgan lessons includes free daily organ pr act ice . 1. Notation, Theory and Sight Sing ing Thi s subj ect gi\·cs a foundation for al l other mus ic tra ining, and is pur sued thoroughly. :\'otation coYcrs the rudiment s of music, a ma ste ry of sca le r ela ti on and the major keys. Sight reading continues thi s \\'O rk and g ives drill in more difficult note reading, chromatics, modulation s, a11 d the natural, melodic a nd harmon ic forms of the scale in minor keys. S ight s i11 gi11g an d ach·anced chorus perfect the student st ill further i11 rapid reading of notes and unaccon1~~an iccl singi ng of part songs . 2 . Voice Attention is giYen to the individual 11ecds of each s tud ent-w ith emp ha sis upon breath co11tro l, open throat, placement, the e,·en sca le, enunc iati on, articulatio11, diction, phrasing a11d i11terprctation. Sta ndard exe rcises of Root, Yacci, Sieber , Concone, \[archesi, Behnke a nd others are used, also a \,·ide \'ariety of songs, with emphas is always upon the s tudy and interpretation of Gospel music. 3 . Piano The cou r se in piano meets the demands of all classes of students fr om the beginner to the student of ach·a nced stand ing. S tr ess is laid upon the de\'e lopment of te chn ique a nd its appli cation to the playing of hymns and Gospel songs in church and e,·ange li stic meetings. Standard technical exe rcises by Clementi, Kuhlau, · Bu rgmuller, I-Icl lcr, Rogers and Crame r, and the \Yorks of l Jaydn, \Iozart and l3eetho\'cn. Chopin, Sch umann , Mendelssohn, Grieg, :dcDo\\'cll. Rachmani noff, Debussy, S inding and others, arc adapted to the indi\'idual needs of the student. 4. Organ Applicants for or[!an study must ha,·c a certain amount of piano preparation . Specia l training is gi\·cn i11 manual touch, pedal technique, registration. church playing an d so lo an d choir accompaniment. S tandard \\'Orks arc used, such as Pedal Studies by \\"bit ing, Schneide r and Buck. the Rink Organ Schoo l and th e Bach Little Preludes and Fugues, Com positions by Flagler . Gounod. \I erkcl. Lemaigrc, Batiste, etc. .\lore acl\·anced students take up the s tudy of organ sonatas, concertos and othe r compo s iti ons hy \lcndclssohn. Gnilmant, Rhcinbcrgcr, \\'id or and ot hers . 5 . Harmony The course in I larrnony a nd Compos iti on gives the student a thorough and practical knowl edge of cho rd s a nd th ei r relation, voice lead ing, pract ice in harmonization of given melodies, and leads to or igi na l work and the l\"riting of Gospel songs a11d ot her compos itions. Th is \\'Ork co,·ers three semeste r s. 6. Ear Training This course directs the student to think tonality an d to discriminate, th rough the ca r , the different harmonics. Cho rd and melody dictation is gi\·en and great st r ess is pl aced on the outstanding harmonic resolutions, modulation and chromatic alterations. 7 . Conducting This subject is a four-semeste r r equ irement ior all music students. Thorough in struct ion is g iven in all \'aricties of rhythm and in the technique of beating time \\'ith and without a baton. Each stud ent acqu ir es actual exper ience before the class as a conductor under the gu idance and criticism of th e in struct or . During the second year more difficult mus ic is analyzed and conduct ed-the philosophy of co ndu cting is discussed-also the qualifications of th e conductor as to musicianship, pers0n a!ity and technique, a nd \'arious per iods and araclcs of chora l literat ur e classified. 31
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