The Balams Firm - June 2024

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404-445-2005 | June 2024

MAKE A SPLASH! Summer has arrived! It’s the magical time of year when the days are long, and the sweet scents of watermelon, sunscreen, barbecue, and freshly cut grass fill the air. School is out for a few months, and every pool and beach within driving distance is fair game for fun in the sun! It’s no wonder that families, mine included, plan escapes to tropical paradises — or the closest thing to them! Every year, we plan a different beach summer getaway. Last year, the destination was Folly Beach, South Carolina. The girls had so much fun — in fact, it’s still a hot topic in our house! They transformed into mermaids and spent countless hours in the ocean, sculpting huge sand castles and collecting shells that had washed ashore. As beautiful as these adventures are, keeping safety a top priority ensures we bring back happy memories and maybe a few sand- filled shoes. Here are some beach and pool safety tips to keep your summer fun, safe, and memorable! Essential Beach and Pool Safety Tips for Summer Fun

Buddy up. Implement the buddy system. No one swims alone, no matter how confident they are in their swimming abilities. This rule isn’t just for kids; adults can get caught off guard by a strong wave or a sudden cramp, too. Don’t forget your feet. Hot sand and hidden underwater obstacles can be a rude surprise for unprotected feet. Encourage everyone to wear flip-flops until they reach the water — or wear water shoes to the water and keep them on. This can prevent burns from hot sand and injuries from stepping on something sharp in the underwater sand. Be on the lookout for rip currents. Educate your family about rip currents — those fast-moving belts of water that can pull swimmers away from the shore. If caught in one, remember to swim parallel to the shore until you’re out of the current, then angle back to the beach. Prepare for emergencies. Make sure everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency. Where’s the nearest lifeguard? Who’s in charge of the first-aid kit? A little planning can make a big difference. As we dive into summer, let’s prioritize safety. Whether you’re setting sail for a distant island or just hitting the local beach or pool, remember


Swim smart. Be sure to swim where a lifeguard can see you. Ocean currents and pool depths can be deceptive, so it’s better to err on the side of caution. Teach your children about swimming in designated areas and not diving into unknown waters. Stay hydrated. Getting dehydrated in the sun is easy, especially after swimming and building sandcastles. Keep water bottles handy, and take water breaks often, even if you don’t feel thirsty. As they say: Once you feel thirsty, it’s too late! Protect yourself from the sun. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30, and don’t forget to reapply every two hours or immediately after swimming or sweating. Throw on a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses for that extra stylish sun protection!

that the best summer stories are the ones ending with, “And everybody came home safe and happy!”

Happy summer, everyone!

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404-445-2005 Kentucky, Washington, and Green Bee Memphis’s state of Tennessee, among others, require landlords to keep security deposits in a separate account maintained for that purpose. In Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, Illinois, and other states, those accounts must pay interest that must be returned to renters. “Renters often worry (for good reason) about getting their security deposits back. Landlords hold all the cards and can devise countless reasons why they are entitled to keep your cash after you move out.” ” Renters often worry (for good reason) about getting their security deposits back. Landlords hold all the cards and can devise countless reasons why they are entitled to keep your cash after you move out. “When I was a renter, I never once received a security deposit back,” Green Bee Memphis, a Memphis Realtor, declared in a 2023 video on TikTok. U.S. renters are among the nation’s most economically vulnerable people. According to the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University, nearly half of all renters spend more than 30% of their income on rent and utilities, a level that housing experts consider burdensome. A record-high 22.4 million renters fell into this category in 2022, up about 2% from three years earlier. No wonder the 1 in 3 Americans who rent are concerned about getting their security deposits back. Landlords tend to occupy the opposite end of the economic spectrum, and all states have enacted at least some legal protections for renters. State laws vary, but all require landlords to return security deposits to renters within 14–60 days after they move out, according to’s Legal Encyclopedia.

When landlords withhold security deposit refunds, they are typically required to give renters a list of damages to justify their decision. And they should not charge renters for routine cleaning or ordinary wear and tear — only for careless or willful damage or excessive filth. Defining ordinary wear and tear can be difficult. For example, suppose a landlord installs new carpeting before a tenant moves in, and the tenant stays four years. In that case, the carpet will inevitably show some wear after the tenant moves out, but this is typically regarded as ordinary wear and tear — not a repair that tenants should be required to cover. Other examples offered by include linoleum stains from shower spray, which is ordinary wear and tear, versus broken tiles in the bathroom, which is damage. Similarly, dents in the wall where a door handle bumped constitute normal wear and tear, while a door ripped off the hinges is damage. Tenants should notify landlords in writing within 3–5 days of moving in about any damage to the apartment so they won’t be billed for it later. One of the most common causes of tenant-landlord lawsuits is a landlord’s refusal to return a security deposit. Tenants who want to contest a landlord’s decision should gather evidence, including move-in and move-out reports and photos, and state their position in a dispute letter. If out-of-court efforts to settle a dispute fail, tenants usually can file suit in small claims court.

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Children Create Unique Dad’s Day Gifts

Recently, people have been spending big on Father’s Day, and many wait until the very last minute. Last year, Americans spent a record $22.9 billion on Father’s Day, up nearly 10% from the previous year, according to an industry survey. And more than half of consumers don’t start shopping until the week before Father’s Day, while 3.5% wait until the very last day before the holiday, according to another survey. The second survey also revealed that over 75% of shoppers struggle to think of good Father’s Day ideas. Most settle on outings, clothing, gift cards, personal care items, or electronics. Here are three low-budget ideas you can do with your kids that are sure to charm any dad, offered by What’s Up Moms, a top parenting site on YouTube co-founded by vlogger Elle Walker. Interview Cards If your kids are preschoolers, have them answer questions about their father and record their answers on notecards. Things like, “How old do you think Daddy is? 100? What is one thing Daddy says? What does Daddy do for work? Why do you love Daddy?” The simplicity and innocence of your children’s answers will warm Dad’s heart more than any store- bought gift ever could. Shopping Spree Give each child $10 to pick out something for Dad, all by themselves, then take them to the nearest big-box store. Walker’s youngsters came up with a mirror, a pair of swim trunks, and crib sheets, and they clearly loved being empowered to make choices. Photos From a Kid’s Perspective You may be surprised at some of the angles children choose and the tender moments they capture, “even if they’re not wow-worthy,” Walker says. Her daughter caught a captivating shot of her husband, Ross, napping with their preschool son resting on his shoulder.


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Dressing • 3/4 cup crumbled feta cheese • 1/2 cup half and half • 1/4 cup mayonnaise • 1/4 cup sour cream • 1 tsp sugar • Juice of 1 lemon

• 3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts • Salt and pepper • 4 ears of corn, shucked • 3 tbsp minced dill

• 3 stalks celery, finely diced • 1 red onion, finely diced • 1 1/2 cups blueberries • 1 head of butter lettuce

Directions 1. Place chicken in a large plastic bag and pound with a mallet to flatten to 1/4-inch thickness. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. 2. Heat grill, then grill chicken on both sides for about 4 minutes per side; set aside to cool before slicing. 3. Grill corn until the kernels begin browning, turning regularly for even cooking. Use a knife to shave the kernels off. 4. In a bowl, mix all dressing ingredients until combined. 5. In a large bowl, combine corn, dill, celery, and onions, then stir in chicken and top with dressing and blueberries as desired. 6. Separate the head of butter lettuce into “cups” to fill with salad and enjoy!

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404-445-2005 310 Maxwell Road, Suite 500 Alpharetta, GA 30009 INSIDE THIS ISSUE


Your Guide to a Perfect Summer by the Water

Know Your Rights: Get Your Security Deposit Back


Summer Chicken Salad


3 Easy Father’s Day Ideas

Odd Laws Protect Salamanders and Seaweed



Ignorance about the law is usually not a defense if you’re caught in a violation. Some oddball state laws, however, are so strange that they could only be described as booby traps for the unknowing. Here are two legislative oddities sure to surprise any hapless offender. 76 Salamanders A popular YouTube commentator has called out the state of Illinois for barring anyone from owning more than 75 salamanders. Why? Several salamander species are classified as endangered in Illinois, and the state regulates the commercial trade of these amphibians. The law assumes any resident who possesses salamanders valued at $600 or more intends to market them commercially — illegally. The law estimates the value of a salamander at $5, suggesting it actually prohibits owning 120 salamanders. But who’s counting? Nighttime Seaweed From the annals of lawmaking history, a 1973 New Hampshire law banned any effort to “carry away or

collect for the purpose of carrying away any seaweed … between evening and daylight.”

The backstory: Farmers in New Hampshire once collected seaweed from the beaches to use as fertilizer, leading at least one town to ban nighttime harvesting to “give everyone an equal chance” at stocking up on seaweed. However, after a group of high school students singled out the law as the state’s dumbest, lawmakers repealed it in 2016. Not all states with stupid laws are culpable. Internet jokesters questioned South Dakota about a law supposedly barring people from falling asleep in a cheese factory. The actual law makes a lot more sense: It bans setting up your bedroom in a space used to prepare food for the public. Noting the error, a Sioux Falls radio station, Hot 104.7, fired back at critics, creating their own new category of missteps: “Stupid questions people ask about South Dakota.” Fair enough!


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