

The Euodia Club Our state laws prohibit the teaching of the Bible in the public schools, bu t there is no law forbidding the undermin­ ing of the faith of the students in God's Word, and the theory of evolution and other teachings contrary to the Bible are freely taught. Because of these conditions, and also because of the fact that our young people are led astray so early in these clays, in 1910 the first Bible class among High School girls was formed by Mrs . Anna L. Horton in connection with the old Los Angeles High School. A group of girls was gath­ ered together one afternoon each week for Bible study. Quickly following this other classes were formed, until we now have twenty of these weekly Bible classes in connection with the various Intermediate and High Schools of the city and out lying towns. Some of the High School boys are now clamoring for Bible teaching, and two of our new classes are composed of splendid Christian boys, eager for a better knowledge of the Word of God. The organization of these classes as a whole is known as "The Euodia Club." The meaning of the word Euodia is "fragrance," the motto being "Be fragrant for Christ." In t),e past few years we have studied the Books of Genesis, John and Acts, taking a year to each. One year was devoted to the great fundamental truths of the Bible, and one year to dis­ pensational truths. A number of our girls are taking, or have taken, the Bible Institute course, and many are in active service for the Lord. At least one girl is on the foreign field, and others are planning to go. Our three-fold aim: To teach the Word; to save unsaved girls; to lead saved girls into lives of service. The Jewish Work Remembering the Scriptural injunction-"to the Jew first," we maintain among these " lost sheep of the house of Israel" divinely gifted workers whose labors have been greatly blessed, and no converts afford us more joy than those from among the people "of whom, as concerning the flesh, Christ came."


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