XVII. The Sunday School The work of an Advanced Teacher Training Course is pre sented with emphasis on methods, not organization. A simple yet complete course in chi ld study is also given in order that a curricu lum su ited to each age may be planned. This will be especially valuable to one who must work independently of lessons provided by others. Spec;al emphasis is placed on the selection of material for individual lessons for each age, to its preparat ion and presentation in accord with the pedagogical standards of the foremost educational institutions. In view of the call for teachers of the Bible to work in connection with the publi c schools of many cities in several different states, those holding teacher 's credentials are helped to plan courses of study for use in thi s great work. \Ve earnestly pray that young peo ple who take this course will be so surrendered to God that the Holy Spirit may implant in them a deep love for, and under standing of children and you ng people wh;ch will be satisfied with nothing short of winning them to the Lo rd J esus Chri st. XVIII. The Use of the Blackboard In this class students are carefully trained in the use of the blackboard in setting forth Gospel truth. Every Bible teacher, and especially the workers in the Sunday-school, should be able to sketch off-hand maps or other illustrations that will get and hold the attention of the class. Elaborate blackboard drawings are not attempted, but any student with some natural gift for drawing will get sufficient training in the fundamentals to develop the gift along correct lines. XIX. Missions In this course is covered the history of Christian missions up to and including the organization of the great mi ssionary boards; the needs of, and the missionary forces in the great heathen lands are studied, and the student is also made famil iar with the principal features of the great heathen religions of the world; the call and qualifications of the missionary are presented and instruction given as to applying to the boards; the missionary on the field , his relation towards his fellow missionaries , towards the board, towards the heathen, and the
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