


6. EAR TRAI NING Thi s course direct s the student to think tonality and to discriminate, through the ear, the different harmonies. Chord ;, ml melody dictation is given and great st ress is placed on the outstand ing harmoni c resoluti ons, modulation and chromatic alterati ons. Thi s course pa ra ll els Harmony 3 and 4. 7. CONDUCTING Students are given thorough instruction in all varieties of rhythm and the best way of beating time for each-both with and without the baton. Each student appears before the class from time to time as a conductor and under the guidance and critici sm of the instructor gains ac tual experience in conducti ng a choir and congregat ion. 8. NORl\IAL TRAI N' I NG Student s are ins tructed in pedagogical principles as ap­ plied to music, and given ac tua l expe rience before the class in teaching the fact s of music Theory, Notation and Harmony. This subj ect requires two terms work. 9. V IOLI N AND ORCHESTRAL I NSTRUMENT S An experienced violini st gi ves instruction in thi s important instrument, using the bes t modern methods. Expert instruction is al so provided for tho se desiring inst ruction on the cornet, trombone and other band and orches tral instruments. XXVI. Practical Work As the whole aim of the Institute is to turn out workers, not mere theori sts, the instructi on gi ven in the class room is at once translated into practice, as a part of the training. Students are required to attend and assist in mi ssions , ,, treet meetings, tent meetings, to vis it people in their homes, to conduct adult Bible classes and Sunday school classes, and to engage in variou s other fo rms of aggressive Chri stian work, and always with their eyes open for opportuniti es for personal work. These assignments a re made by the Superintendents, and every student is required to hand in each week a written re­ port of their work. A weekly report meet ing is held at whi ch the work of the preceding week is surveyed and difficulti es discussed. Th is is one of the mos t practical, helpful , and in spirational hour~ oi the week.


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